Sunday, November 8, 2015

Part 2

John Carter- wow that's impressive and very helpful. What were one of your major accomplishments that had adversities that you had to overcome in order to be successful?

Francis Hopkinson- Well I was the first person who designed the American Flag. But a lot of headaches and fighting happened because of this flag. I had sent my creation but didn't receive anything for my work . So my bill was sent everywhere but was rejected because they didn't think my request was reasonable. It made me feel terrible to know that my work was pretty much being taken from me and I could do nothing about it but fight and hope that they would listen to request. I waited for two long months for a reply and didn't receive anything back, I was tired of waiting so I wrote to them and they told me they never received my letter I knew they were lying. I accused them of not being true to their words so a list charges were sent to against the board. Eventually my request were being answered but I was so tired of the issue. Even though all of this drama happened they never said that it wasn't my work.

John Carter- That's crazy you deserved better than that. What were the key opportunities you had that led to turning points in your life and art ?

Francis Hopkinson- I think it was just being able to be in the politics and knowing what the struggles were of the people. People love when you are able to connect to you, they actually listen to what you have to say. Just also not settling for being basic and being different and experimenting with different things. Even with the controversy with the flag it taught me how to overcome situations that could ruin my career. I never turned down a challenge because if I never went through it, I would never know how to handle it since I took the easy path in life. It definitely makes you stronger and wiser.

John Carter- alrighty last question.... How did your work impact the world?

Francis Hopkinson- by creating new things for people to add their own speaking the truth and love and showing people that there is hope. By telling people that when your down you have to come up. Always fight for what you believe in and never let someone bring you down. Never settling for average; always try to be a overachiever because in the end it will all be worth it. Try new things because you never know what you are able to do unless you try and never give up. Always be yourself and try to make someone happy, always make sure you're happy first.

John Carter- Thank you Francis for that great inspiration

Francis Hopkinson- anytime


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